My mum got me this mask a little while ago and I've been loving it! I use it in the shower (you're supposed to use it on damp hair but I'm way too lazy lol) every few days and definitely love its effects. That sounded cheesy lol.
It's has a really thick, creamy consistency, which I LOVE. It also smells amazing. The normal Dove smell. :D Ew you can see my finger indentations in there lol. It works pretty much like a really nice conditioner does. It's more moisturizer than my general conditioner, but I find I have to rinse it really really well or it makes my hair all gluggy and weird. I used it on damp hair once and the results were a little better than when I use it on wet hair, but it was nothing major. It definitely makes my hair very soft but to be honest, I probably won't repurchase it. It's not bad but I'm keen to maybe try out the Sunsilk Keratinology mask or the Garnier butter mask again.
There's nothing bad in it so there's no need to worry about that. All in all it's a really nice, gentle mask and it definitely makes me wanna get a Dove shampoo and conditioner again sometime soon. It's one of my favourite brands. :)
レイバン RB2140を買いましたが、イマイチ似合わないと思ってしまいました。サングラスが欲しいと思って、友達に相談したら、Ray Banがいいと言われ、一番人気のあるRB2140を買ってしまいました。改で、もっと自分に似合うレイバン モデルを探したいと思います。